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A little Easter Photoshoot - Children's Portraits, Melbourne

Easter, or any annual holiday for that matter, is a great time to get some special photos of your kids and family.

I want to share some tips and ideas for taking your own family photos over the Easter weekend.

Look back at previous photos for inspiration

Look back at some previous photos you’ve taken and update these. It’s not about getting exact duplicates, it’s about updating life as it is now.

I took these pics of my daughter when she was shy of 12 months...

And last year I was inspired to get some updated ones.

Both were taken in her bedrooms at the time using Easter-inspired outfits.

I also showed her the pics of when she was a baby and told her I wanted to get some new ones, so she understood what we were doing and it made her quite excited too!

I love the results, they show her growth over four years while still capturing things unique to each stage that the photos were taken at.

Start a new tradition (and use what you have)

This Easter (year, in fact), I’m making a concerted effort to not buy any more junk for the sake of a holiday or occasion!

So, I suggested to my daughter that since the Easter Bunny comes at Easter, we should collect all her soft bunny toys (that she already has) and hold a little Easter picnic for all of them. She loved this idea – it kept her occupied while I could get a couple of photos and now we have a fun tradition we can do over until she outgrows it. And it didn't cost me a cent (beside some cookies to munch on)!

easter bunny picnic - child photography melbourne

When I was taking these photos I followed my usual process of documenting – move around and get different angles. For some I’ve asked her to look at the camera and others I’ve just captured as the moment unfolded.

There’s one pulled back to get the whole scene. Don't worry about the mess - this is about capturing authentic memories (and no house with kids is perfect!)

easter bunny picnic - child photography melbourne

Then a couple that are much closer, in which the soft toy bunnies frame my daughter well and create a nice depth of field. You’ll also notice, I’m taking the photos low down at my daughter’s eye level which really alters the perspective of the images from how we usually observe our kids as adults.

I also love the birds-eye view taken directly overhead and as parallel to the ground as possible.

overhead shot of easter bunny picnic - child photography melbourne
overhead shot of easter bunny picnic - child photography melbourne

Be intentional with your photo-taking

While taking photos this weekend, try do the same. Get a couple from further back to show the scene, get in a bit closer with various angles to show variety and then get some up-close detail shots. Finally, hand the camera over to someone else (or set it up somewhere) and get some images with you in the scene (something I forgot to do here but will be doing over the weekend!)

Your kids will look back at these one day and will want to see their beautiful Mum in them!




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